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Colorado wildlife photography

In April 2024 I travelled to the the beautiful state of Colorado.  The aim for the trip was to focus on multiple species of grouses. In particular the Greater Sage Grouse, Sharp-tail grouse and the greater prairie chicken. Besides photographing grouses we spent  time in nature looking for a variety of wildlife including the wild horses and had great opportunities for Pronghorn and even American white pelicans as well. 

All in all the trip to Colorado was amazing. Visiting multiple small towns, the landscapes, people and especially due to the great photographer and guide Ken Archer who organised and lead the trip. His knowledge on the bird- and wildlife combined with his strong network allowed us to visit locations that are otherwise impossible to find let alone visit. 

Enjoy the impression of images taken during the Colorado trip. Personally, I look forward to travel once more to the United States and further explore the magnificent landscapes and wildlife that can be found. 

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